Scary movies that came out recently
Scary movies that came out recently

scary movies that came out recently

More recently - but before horror movies were a “thing” - people flocked to experiences such as Russian ice slides (a precursor to the modern-day roller coaster), and P.T. Jones points to classical Greek tragedies, with all their violence, mayhem, and gore, as some of the earliest examples of horror fiction. “Horror has been with us from the very beginnings of recorded culture,” says Darryl Jones, a doctor of philosophy and a professor of popular literature at Trinity College in Dublin and the author of Sleeping With the Lights On: The Unsettling Story of Horror. There are both physiological and psychological reasons behind the desire to get spooked. Guess what: It’s not just that you have perverse taste in movies. Or maybe you land somewhere in between: You watch horror movies through your fingers and leap at each jump scare, but love them regardless.

scary movies that came out recently

Maybe you can’t imagine voluntarily subjecting yourself to two hours of torturous tension. Maybe you’re a hardcore fan, and you’re thrilled by the recent spate of critically acclaimed mainstream horror films: Get Out, Nope, The Lighthouse, Midsommar, Mandy, It Follows, The Witch. Love them or hate them, you probably have an opinion about scary movies.

Scary movies that came out recently